The Routed Apple vs. Lies

Lonesome,falling deep.I am the weird one,the black sheep.Disturbed girl,broken and shy.Im the routed apple against all lies.

The days pass by while we march forth to madness.Not what the society or the dictionary define as madness,no.We are all moving to a hole where survival is the only goal,no matter who we destroy or hurt in the way.Pity.I consider myself privileged,though.At least i am prepared for the grief to come,my heart has already become "bulletproof".Isn't what they do?Shoot our dreams,kill our emotion and undignify our proud.But they will see...they leading themselves to self destruction and mercy will be no longer an option.
We already started,anyway,it's just a matter of time.At some places,the water worth more than money and food it's a miracle given by those who just want fifth minutes of fame.How can they??Playing with lifes of the poor people,crying crocodile tears to attract midia!And no,i am not being hypocrite.I don't help haitians,africans or the guy laying down on the street grounds,simply because I think there will be no progress to them.They have to fight for themselves and not depend of those who think they're good samarithans for giving the guy a damn coin!
I think the only reason we are called racional animals it's our capacity to love and the racionality.Actually,it's because we rationalized every single thing,including our feelings,the good ones,that the world it's up side down.I mean,when the twenty century ended,everybody was expecting the progress to come,the century of freedom and happiness.Hapiness my ass! Freedom is caged,happiness is condemned,mercy is extinct,pleasure is a sin and love is burried by the hands of those how have invented the romance!Our generation is suffering because of some unloved ones,that don't understand that our heart isn't between our legs!The heart doesn't have an equal shape to everybody,heart don't have eyes and that's what make him so fair!As justice!
How can a mother lock up her daughter inside home because she choosed to be friends with the weird girl that once loved her more than should?How can her say that love her child if she's taking out of her hand the only feeling that can save the entire world for this calamity?Friendship is the new love,woman,wake up!Friendship is the only kinda of love that can last forever!All these wounds that you're inflicting to her are going to leave an eternal scar on your relationship,everything that you once had together will be lost because you're afraid of the society and what the fucking church will think of you if you let your girl walk around with freaks!She's going to hate you for that and the ghost of these feeling is going to haunt you eternally!
There's absolutely nothing wrong with loving somebody!How they can think that they are right by saying that a couple of man can't have a daughter?Why not?They probably have an family more instable and lovely then those false moralists!If they want to marry,so what?What diference it will make in your life?None!But to then it totally will!Because they can show the world that god made souls and hearts to be used,feelings aren't based on our outside,people!I mean,if a person that you love more than anything else in the universe want make a drastic change,like an surgery to change her outside,would leave her?A little while ago,I would,but not anymore.It will continue to be the same person,the same sweet taste of the kiss,the same words of love,so...what's the matter?
Right now,I don't give a shit to what they say that I should or shouldn't do.Everybody is acting like robots,little pieces of a big puzzle that will lead us to the age of darkness.Don't let everything that the religions,the good part of them,had teach us.We are here to learn how to live together,to comprehend and love every defect of our brothers and sisters.The world can be saved,but only if people start to have conscience of their own.We're the sons and the heirs of these entire planet,full of people trying to feel good with themselves and meet peace.Everything has bright side and it's up to us to change that.Against politiques,religions,false moral and lies.Young people against the world.Let us change this shit for good.

Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Mais conhecida como Aud. Olá, desocupados. Sejam bem vindos ao blog onde se encontram todas as loucuras da mente corrompida de uma adolescente. Loucuras? Nossa, que gentil. Pura insanidade, seria o termo correto. Há muitas formas diferentes de me descrever, mas acho que é mais fácil ler para entender. Boa sorte, desbravadores, vão precisar.

About this blog

A proprietária do blog não sabe desta minha "pequena" invasão, mas creio que ela não se importará.
Quem vos escreve é Ana Terra, proprietária do Marasmo Criativo e pessoa entusiasmada com a escrita alheia, que quer ajudar a Aud a melhorar mais e mais, porque ela tem um talento invejável.
Pois bem.
Este é um blog um tanto obscuro.
Mas que blog que pretende mostrar as... "criações literárias" de alguém não o é?
Afinal de contas, sob o meu ponto de vista, a mente humana é obscura por si só! E aqueles que têm a coragem de se expôr, porque escrever é estar exposto - e completamente-, são os mais imersos em obscuridade.
Por "obscuridade" entende-se profundidade, meus caros, profundidade. Emoção. Sentimendo. Tristeza e melancolia, por que não?
Aqueles que conseguem transformar seus pensamentos, devaneios, sentimentos e lágrimas em palavras, em frases articuladas numa trama, como uma teia, teia de informação... Esses, essas "aranhas"... Ah, esses são os seres mais encantadores!
Os seres da comunicação, como amamos eles! Eu amo eles.
Pessoas que conseguem fazer com que você se sinta como ela se sentiu quando ela escreveu suas palavras, ah, queridos, essas são as mais talentosas.
E nossa amiga nova-escritora, a proprietária do blog, tem esse dom.
E cada vez mais ela aprende a deixar sua teia mais forte, mais bem elaborada, mais perfeita, mais divina.
De tão diabólica ela conseguirá entrar no Paraíso.
E o Paraíso é a escrita.
A escrita é o que pode salvar uma mente obscura, profunda, melancólica, e o rosto feliz.
Venham todos, venham já!
Venham descobrir o segredo da tal maçã, e toda a sua luta contra as mentiras, embora eu ache que a mentira seja uma das mais sofisticadas artes.
A mentira, aqui, é a arte de criar um mundo todo, imaginário; mundo onde bonecas apodrecem sorridentes, as máscaras caem e os mortos dançam em campos floridos, onde todos os personagens de todos os livros que já se leu vivem em diversos cenários diferentes.
Ah, a mentira! Ah, o figurino de escritora, de mentirosa!
Porque, de certo modo, é nisso que escrever consiste: mentir.

Não se Assustem & Boa Leitura.
Ana Terra.